We have strongly established a “play-based” curriculum in the Early Years (Prep-2) at Lyndhurst.
Many parents may wonder what this means. The curriculum is be based on the work of Kathy Walker.
You can read more about Kathy and her work at…. www.earlylife.com.au. Below, is an introductory
statement about play based learning from the early life website.
The Walker Learning Approach is based upon years and decades of research about play based and
personalised learning and social constructivism. The WLA is the first major Australian based total and
holistic pedagogy (pre-school to year 8) to be designed and implemented. It is not a program, or an
inquiry model sitting discreetly or separately from other curriculum areas. It is a total approach to
teaching and learning which combines the need for children to be active participants in their learning
(through hands on and creative exploration and investigation) which sits along side formal instruction.
There is explicit teaching and development of not only literacy and numeracy skills and knowledge but
also the range of vital social, emotional and life skills.
Click here to see a TV report from Channel 10's "The Circle" that explains "Walker Learning".