School Hours & Term Dates
Office Hours
The School Office is open 8.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday.
School Hours
The school hours are from 9am to 3.30pm. Children are expected to be in class, settled and ready to learn by 9am. Punctuality is important.
The day will be broken up in the following ways:
8.50am-9.00am Enter classrooms and prepare for the day’s learning
9.00am-10.40am Morning session
10.40am-11.10am Morning recess
11.10am-12.50pm Middle session
12.50pm-1.50pm Lunchtime
1.50pm-3.30pm Afternoon session
Students usually have 10-15 minutes before recess and lunch to eat their food before going outside.
2024 School Term Dates
Term 1: Tuesday 30th January (Year 1-6 students start) to Wednesday 27th March (Curriculum Day Thursday 28th March).
Term 2: Monday 15th April to Friday 28th June (Last Day of Term 2.30pm finish)
Term 3: Monday 15th July to Friday 20th September (Last Day of Term 2.30pm finish)
Term 4: Monday 7th October to Friday 20th December (Last Day of Term 1.30pm finish)
Prep Dates
Families will be notified of any changes to the following:
Preps for 2024 will commence school on Thursday 1st February 2024.
Please Note: School will finish at 3.30pm each day. To collect your child at the end of the day, please wait outside your child’s classroom. The teacher will permit students to leave once their parent/guardian has been sighted. Every other school day starts at 9am.
Public Holidays
Australia Day Friday 26th January
Labour Day Monday 11th March
Good Friday Friday 29th March
Saturday before Easter Sunday Saturday 30th March
Easter Sunday Sunday 31st March
Easter Monday Monday 1st April
Anzac Day Thursday 25th April
King's Birthday Monday 10th June
Melbourne Cup Tuesday 5th November
Christmas Day Wednesday 25th December
Boxing Day Thursday 26th December